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Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation was initially governed by the City of Nagpur Corporation Act (CNC Act) 1948, till the implementation of Maharashtra Municipal Corporation Act The CNC Act was repealed in 2012 vide Maharashtra Notification No. 23 Dated 21 August 2012 and thereafter the working of Nagpur Municipal Corporation in governed by Maharashtra Municipal Corporation Act. The key responsibility for providing basic urban services to the citizen of Nagpur lies with the Nagpur Municipal Corporation. These services include water supply, sewerage, waste management, slum improvement, land use planning, construction and maintenance of roads, street lighting, maintenance of parks and gardens, providing primary health and education facilities, etc. The Municipal Commissioner is the administrative head of the Municipal Corporation who is assisted by Additional Municipal Commissioner, Deputy Municipal Commissioner, Asst. Municipal Commissioner and various departmental Heads. NMC co-ordinates with various other government organizations like NIT, MHADA, MSRTC, the Traffic Police, MPCB, etc. for delivering these basic urban services.
Dr. Abhijeet Chaudhari I.A.S., Hon'ble Commissioner and Administrator
To make our city clean and beautiful. The image of Nagpur city should be "Clean Nagpur Beautiful Nagpur" Swachhta Abhiyan is being implemented by the Nagpur Municipal Corporation with the cooperation of various voluntary organizations, schools, colleges and citizens on a large scale throughout the city. We all are responsible citizens of the city. N.M.C. has taken up this resolution through people's participation due to their cooperation.
Hon'ble Commissioner & Administrator
Read Post | Published on : 15-02-2025 12:05:52
म.न.पा. स्थायी समिती/प्रशासक ठराव क्र. 1243 दि. 04.02.2025
Read Post | Published on : 10-02-2025 13:06:34
Read Post | Published on : 14-02-2025 16:55:34
Read Post | Published on : 13-02-2025 16:03:46
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